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I was suffering from back pain


I have had problems with my back and neck since I was 30 years old. I tried everything to find ways to recover, and I went regularly to the chiropractor to treat my neck and my lower back.

In 1994, the situation escalated quickly, and I suffered from a herniated disc between the L4 and L5. I had problems walking and standing, and I eventually had to accept having surgery to correct the problem. The surgery was unfortunately unsuccessful, and in 2001 I had to repeat the surgery, this time with more modern tools, i.e., microsurgery.

After coming home from the second surgery, I was eager to start exercising, as I always have been very active. I woke up to do my exercises, but as I got out of bed, I had a divine thought, “Freddy you can sit on the Balance Board”.

I was totally surprised and said to myself, “It is impossible to sit on the Balance Board - it’s dangerous. I can hardly stand on the Balance Board.” But as an inventor and scientist, I decided to give it a try.

 I picked up my bed comforter, which was filled with a thick layer of small feathers, found my Balance Board and a simple stool, and I went up to our dining room. I folded the comforter twice over to make a thick layer of soft material, put the balance board on top of it, and put the stool on top of the balance board. Now the soft comforter material nicely supported the underside of the Balance Board.

Next, I carefully moved onto the stool, found my balance point, and moved my feet onto the front of the Balance Board.

Sitting there, I felt a gentle movement in my lower back.

I said to myself: “This is something”!

Dr. Freddy Johnsen

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